2018亞洲動力傳動與控制技術展(PTC AISA 2018) 即將開幕. 我們在此誠摯的邀請您和您的公司代表訪問我們的展位
地點: 上海浦東新國際博覽中心,
展位號: E4展館 F1-2
During the 2018 international exhibition of power transmission and control technology in Asia (NOV 6-NOV 9, 2018), we sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth.
Our location: Shanghai Pudong New International Expo Center, hall E4, booth No.: F1-2.
We look forward to your visit!
For more details, please contact Mr Jackie Chu
Mobiile & wechat: +86 19863268027
Email: gushanrubber@hotmail.com
錄入時間:2018/10/20 20:58:51 點擊次數:1682